If you work at a school that subscribes to LGfL or TRUSTnet, you most likely have a user account from that school which should be used as your login for this service. This type of account looks something like jsmith3.125
If you have applied for school places online, this would have been done via the eAdmissions service and an account ending in .uso would have been created for you during the process. Your application will not be affected in any way by using the same account here.
If your school uses ParentComms:Pay+ or ParentComms:Reporter and you have registered online, the account created will end in .uso and should be used to access this service.
If you are still unsure if you have an account, you can try to enter your details by using the blue button called Continue. The system will run a check for your details and will inform you if an account already exists for you. Your username will be provided and you will be able to retrieve your password by text. You will need to use that account to log in.