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FSM Eligibility Checker User Guide

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Eligibility checking

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A parent may perform an eligibility check because they have been directed to the website by the school but they may also have discovered independently through a casual online search.

In either case, they will be able to check their eligibility and the result will be saved for the school they have named as the one that their child attends. They may or may not enter the information correctly, in which case the school may receive details of a child unknown to them.

Results for parents

When a parent performs a check, the decision is instantly available on screen.

If a parent is eligible for free school meals, a notification email is sent to the school to alert them of this.

A parent may receive a response that is not a straightforward yes or no. They may get a response telling them to try again in a number of weeks or to provide some additional documents manually.

A parent may also get a response that says: "Sorry, but the entered values could not be matched to any living person listed in UK Government records.  Please double-check your details then try again." - In such instances, the application will not be recorded and will not show up in a school's list.

Please be aware that in the event a parent is entitled to FSM claims are not processed automatically. A school must still file a claim with the local authority in order to claim any funds that may be due.

Results for schools

Parents' eligibility check results are not sent by email in order to safeguard everyone's personal data.

It is up to a school administrator to log into the site and view the eligibility check results.

An administrator can also run an eligibility check for a parent, provided they have all the necessary information to do so.

Please note: In schools where not all the setup criteria has been met and an administrator is not set up, if a parent shows as being eligible for FSM, an email alert will be sent to the Head, explaining what needs to be done in order for this information to be accessible.


See also:

Applying on behalf of a parent

The checking process from the parent's viewpoint

Introduction to the FSM service

Setting up the FSM service for your school